"Tomorrow's wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge". In order to maintain a competitive advantage businesses must review their policies and procedures; this ensures they are updated regularly to keep up with the evolving market. A tend in the market has developed and expanded the concept of "team management", employees are having more input on company decisions and overall communication processes. Communication is important to business ventures because, all parties involved require a thorough understanding of what is happening around them. Meeting are an excellent way to stay communicating, this will keep employees informed about what is going on around them and allow them to provide feedback.
Today, employees are expected to "generate, process and exchange information". Skills which are all learned, and all stages within the communication process.
VIA has reassed their communication processes and business practices and have implemented an "On Train & Station Automation (OTS)" procedure to improve the current communication procedures between departures and arrivals. VIA Rail's ultimate goal is to implement e-tickets that can be scanned with ease.
Check out VIA's youtube video...Click the link below
I am sure we have all used e-tickets in the past, I have used them several times for movies and plane flights; huge time saver! It is a one-stop shop, you can view your trip details on-line, pay and print your tickets within minutes, all at the click of a button. This will be a great benefit for both consumers and employees, OTS will provide the following:
- On board real-time passenger manifest, which will greatly enhance boarding efficiency as well as on-train service delivery. By improving communication with an up to date manifest employees can communicate with greater ease; ensuring that all consumers are accounted for. By a click of a button all employees can view this manifest, keeping them informed at all times. This is a prime example of team management, improved communication between all employees is essential.
- Train Status Information (TSI), such as estimated arrivals and departure information, easily communicated to all VIA staff and passengers. Improved innovative communication technologies such as TSI keep all parties informed. How easy would that be, to let your ride and/or family know you are running late? This is essential to employees who travel a lot and have little time to waste, if you have a meeting afterwards you must be able to communicate your time of arrival and/or departure with the other parties involved.
- Improved communication between on-board VIA staff and other VIA departments. It is imperative to stay connected and informed.
- Automation of the OTS library including safety standards and manuals. Businesses are required to provide the resources you need to complete your job to the best of your ability, this must be communicated to employees. What is the use of having a manual and having no idea where it is?
- The potential for future communication enhancements (such as real time trip updates) to on-board passengers through innovative social media platforms. Deciding the channel in which is most effective is just as important as the message itself. Are you not annoyed by telemarketers calling your household? I know I am, if VIA Rail chooses the wrong communication channel such as sending an automated call to your telephone; and not communicating over the web or via twitter or Facebook their message would not be effectively communicated.
Guffey, M.E., Rhodes, K., Rogin, P. (2008). Business communication: Process and product (6th Canadian ed.)
Scarborough, ON: Nelson
Guffey, M.E., Rhodes, K., Rogin, P. (2008). Business communication: Process and product (6th Canadian ed.)
Scarborough, ON: Nelson
VIA Rail Canada. (2012, Jan). On train and station automation. Retrieved from www.viarail.ca/en/about-via-rail/capital-investment/article/train-and-station-automation
VIA Rail Canada (2012, Jan 5). Transforming VIA: OTS [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ar_alYW3M&lr=1
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