Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Customer Service: Importance of Listening

VIA Rail is dedicated to providing excellent customer service; all of their career postings stress the importance of possessing these skills.  In today's market, customer service skills are imperative in order to maintain a competitive advantage.  Have you noticed how many pizza shops are around your community?  If you were to have a horrible experience with one of their staff members, I am sure you will likely not return.  

Why travel rail if you can travel via air quicker?  VIA top values are "customer focus, respect, and passion"; it is about providing a travel experience not just getting you from one destination to another.  Working in customer service roles throughout my career, I have dealt with this first-hand.  I worked as a bartender for several years, it wasn't just about serving drinks; it was about providing a friendly and engaging atmosphere where individuals could come and unwind from the daily stresses of life.  Customer service are people skills, learning how to deal with people can be one of the hardest jobs.  You must ensure that you can communicate effectively; in today's market, company's such as VIA, emphasis the importance of soft skills.  Soft skills are communication skills, and business norms as professionalism and business etiquette; which was discussed in previous posts.

I will be discussing the most important soft skill, listening.  Effective listening has proven to increase sales and profitability.  Listening isn't an "automatic response to noise", it is an understanding of the message being relayed.  

VIA ensures effective listening by providing feedback, and implementing change.  If you were to listen to the ideas of others, you soon realize that the people who know the most are, the ones who are in that environment.  In VIA's case this would be the employees and the passengers; by providing surveys they can ensure customer satisfaction.

VIA train's their staff to deal with customer problems as they arrive, and ensure that there is a customer service line for formal complaints, inquires or questions.  VIA assesses the situation, prepare responses and keeps upper management informed.  By listening to the customers and employees feedback VIA has been able to evolve and maintain their competitive advantage.

Guffey, M. E., Rhodes, K., Rogin, P. (2008). Business communication: Process and product (6th Canadian ed.) Scarborough, ON: Nelson

Hernandez, M. (2012, March 1). 10 Things to remember when delivering customer service. [Web log post]. Retrieved from

When Diaster Strikes, how does VIA Rail Respond?

Earlier this year, a VIA Rail train derailed their tracks on route from Niagara falls to Toronto; unfortunately as a result, the train dismounted their tracks in the city of Burlington.  I am a Mississauga resident and have traveled many times to Niagara Falls via car; it hits hard when it is so close to home.  Via car is it about an 1 and a half to 2 hour drive and no one would expect that their loved ones would not return home.  Unfortunately this fatal accident left 3 crew members without a life; 75 passengers and 5 crew members were aboard the train when all 6 carts derailed.
Check out VIA's latest press release...
Press Release

In today's blog post I will be assessing VIA's response.  When disaster strikes, how does VIA Rail respond?

I work full-time for a logistics company and recently attended a Health and Safety training seminar.  I am now a proud member of a Joint Health and Safety committee.  During training we learned that safety hazards are all around us; think about it, walking down the street, being exposed to too much sun.  You could get hit by a car, or could be exposing yourself to skin cancer.  In today's market, it is important that we access and identify the hazards, and set control measures in place to prevent hazardous situations.

Numerous conclusions and assumptions have been made about what happened, some say it was the trainee, some say it was due to improper maintenance of the rails and/or the trains.  According to the National Post, the "train was traveling 4 times the safe speed limit". 

Trains are considered one of the safest modes of transportation, VIA rail has to identify what went wrong and how to prevent this for ever happening again.  During my training course, the trainee discussed the importance of communication; communication is imperative to proper safety.  What is the use of an emergency evacuation policy if no one communicates the steps or the importance. Specific training is available for employees who have to communicate with family members about workplace deaths.  VIA Rail would have to ensure that a few of their staff  members are thoroughly trained to deal with situations like this...It is an extremely emotional ordeal, for the family members of the deceased and the staff member communicating this information.  

VIA communicates in today's market by preparing press releases; check out the link above.  Attached is VIA's latest press release addressing this disastrous accident, when delivering bad news businesses need to ensure the following:

1. That all the correct information is gathered, VIA gathers the facts.  This includes the time of day, location and the individuals involved.  What happened?  When did it happen?  Who was involved?  These are all important facts that VIA Rail must be sure to communicate.

2. That it is prepared in a professional manner; by releasing a press release the community stays informed and directly connected to VIA Rail.  Family members and friends have deceased or are injured. VIA must pay homage to the deceased by addressing who they are; life is precious.  Also, it is imperative to express condolences and sympathy for the family members and friends of those involved.

3. That they explain the past, the present and the future.  VIA explains the past by addressing the incident that happened a day prior; the present by addressing the current situation.  There are 3 deceased crew members and 45 passengers injured, 3 of which have serious injuries. The future is explained by assessing the current situation and addressing future plans.  VIA will continue to investigate the situation and place counter measures in place, to ensure this never happens again.

VIA must also consider timing, it is imperative to post this press release ASAP.  VIA Rail can not close their eyes and pretend like nothing happened; they may not know the exact cause but it is imperative to keep today's market informed.  VIA is a trusted brand of safety, and they do not want to let the images posted tarnish the image they have spent time to develop.  VIA has assessed the situation and is looking into what happened; they have been patient and are working in conjunction with the Transportation safety board.  Check out VIA's website and stay tuned for future press release's...Constant communication is important, we can not change the past, but we can help it mold the future.

Guffey. M. E., Rhodes, K., Rogin, P. (2008). Business communication: Process and product (6th Canadian ed.) Scarborough, ON: Nelson

National Post. (2012, February 27). Police searching for signs of sabotage in Via Rail train derailment. National Post News. Retrieved from

VIA Rail Canada (2012, Feb). Update: VIA Rail train accident in Burlington, Ontario. Retrieved from

Activity!! Try it out!

Before you check out the activity below, be sure to read my blog posting about the communication process, titled "Communication process: VIA'S Welcome Homepage".  In that posting I discussed the communication process; to provide you a slight recap, remember that the sender has an idea that is transmitted to the receiver.  This idea can be transmitted through images or text.  The sender must ensure that their idea is conveyed in an appropriate manner so that the intended message is received.

Now let's take a look at VIA's website, grab a scrap piece of paper.

Take a look at the images below, see if you can match the meanings to the images!  The answers are below, but don't look yet, try it out!

Image A

Image B

Image C

Image D

Image E

1. How big our your dreams?
2. You're mobile. So are we.
3. Breath-taking landscapes, jaw-dropping savings
4. Tried of traffic jams?  Try the New Escape fare.
5. VIA's train route

Once completed, take a look at the answers...

Do you think that VIA Rail's images conveyed the message they intended? 
Leave a comment.

Image A: (4)
Image B: (5)
Image C: (2)
Image D: (1)
Image E: (3)

Guffey, M. E., Rhodes, K., Rogin, P. (2008). Business communication: Process and product (6th Canadian ed.) Scarborough, ON: Nelson

VIA Rail Canada. (1995-2012). A human way to travel. Retrieved from

Images: Professionalism and Business Etiquette

Can you spot the travelers from the VIA staff? VIA's uniformed staff our easy to identify, friendly and at your service.  It's a more "Human way to travel"...With exceptional service there for your every need.

VIA Ensures each passenger travels in comfort; they provide an exceptional clean and spacious travel experience.  This is how they maintain their competitive advantage, top-notch professionalism.  It starts with the right employees, but is in all the details; it is about the overall travel experience.

VIA provides comfortable areas to sleep, depending on the service you choose.  They must anticipate travelers needs and have these services available for those who find it necessary.  My friend, who is in a long distance relationship, frequently travels with VIA Rail.  A recent graduate, she always choose the more cost efficient economy class.  On her last trip, she decided to travel business class due to a promotion VIA was offering.  She loved her experience and now travels business class every time!  It is an additional $20.00 cost, but the value is so much greater.  By providing a promotion, VIA Rail consumers can explore the various options available and determine which is most suitable. 
Yet another example of how VIA promotes proper business etiquette and professionalism; this will ensure happy repeat travelers.

Guffey, M. E., Rhodes, K., Rogin, P. (2008). Business communication: Process and product (6th Canadian ed.) Scarborough, ON: Nelson

VIA Rail Canada. (1995-2012). A human way to travel. Retrieved from

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Developing a Competitive Advantage: Professionalism and Business Etiquette

In today's market, professionalism and business etiquette are extremely important; it is imperative that businesses retain a professional attitude and promote proper business attire at all times.  It is not only a reflection of the employees themselves but also, a representation of the image the business is trying to convey.  Now image you worked in a country bar, your business attire nor mannerism would be the same as if you were to work in a bank.  At the bank you would be expected to be more formal and conservatively dressed; whereas, at the bar you might be dressed in casual wear (maybe jeans or cowboy boots), and would be more personal and friendly to engage with your consumers.

Employers do generally expect that all employees be courteous and polite with consumers and other employees.  I always ask myself, how would I like to be treated?  Especially in a customer service role, having worked from food service to logistics, it has always been a  priority.  All inquiries, complaints, questions and comments have to treated with the same importance.  

VIA Rail employees dress in conservative uniforms, which are easily identifiable for all travellers.  Have you ever asked what you thought was an employee in a store, where to find the milk?  Happened to me, all I could say was sorry and turn away red with embarrassment.  In today's market I find it hard to identify sometimes, you can go to a restaurant and all the cocktail waitresses are in black dresses; along with half the other females enjoying a night out.  VIA's uniforms ensure that this isn't an issue, according to Lynn Pellerin, VIA's product manager, "VIA's front-line employees - both in stations and on trains - need a uniform that is fashionable yet adaptable to their day-to-day tasks".  

VIA Rail recently held a contest for designers around Canada; challenging them to design a new uniform, which is expected to be released this year. Using feedback provided by who else but the people wearing them...The VIA employees!  The winner Xiao Wei designed a uniform that was practical yet appropriate for employees of all ages.  

Check out the video post...

VIA Rail is committed to quality; quality customer service, quality products and an overall quality travel experience.  From the napkins they use to the friendly inviting smile from one of their staff, all details are handled with the same importance.  

The Canadian Press. (2009, Oct 26). New fashions for VIA Rail [Video file]. Retrieved from

Guffey, M. E., Rhodes, K., Rogin, P. (2008). Business communication: Process and Product (6th Canadian ed.) Scarborough, ON: Nelson

VIA Rail Canada. (2009, Oct.). VIA Rail Canada announces the winner of the uniform design contest. Retrieved  from www.viarail/en/about-via-rail/media-room/latest-new/1393122-october2009-corporate/2009/10/22/2/VIA-Rail-Canada-Announces-the-Winner-of-the-Uniform-Design-Contest.html

Sunday, 8 July 2012

OTS: On Train & Station Automation

In today's market it is imperative that businesses review and re-evaluate the effectiveness  of their communication processes; remember that communication is the exchange of sharing thoughts, ideas and emotions with others, and having those thoughts, ideas, and emotions understood.  

"Tomorrow's wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge".  In order to maintain a competitive advantage businesses must review their policies and procedures; this ensures they are updated regularly to keep up with the evolving market.  A tend in the market has developed and expanded the concept of "team management", employees are having more input on company decisions and overall communication processes.  Communication is important to business ventures because, all parties involved require a thorough understanding of what is happening around them.  Meeting are an excellent way to stay communicating, this will keep employees informed about what is going on around them and allow them to provide feedback.

Today, employees are expected to "generate, process and exchange information".  Skills which are all learned, and all stages within the communication process.

VIA has reassed their communication processes and business practices and have implemented an "On Train & Station Automation (OTS)" procedure to improve the current communication procedures between departures and arrivals.  VIA Rail's ultimate goal is to implement e-tickets that can be scanned with ease.

Check out VIA's youtube video...Click the link below

I am sure we have all used e-tickets in the past, I have used them several times for movies and plane flights; huge time saver!  It is a one-stop shop, you can view your trip details on-line, pay and print your tickets within minutes, all at the click of a button.  This will be a great benefit for both consumers and employees, OTS will provide the following:

  1. On board real-time passenger manifest, which will greatly enhance boarding efficiency as well as on-train service delivery.  By improving communication with an up to date manifest employees can communicate with greater ease; ensuring that all consumers are accounted for.  By a click of a button all employees can view this manifest, keeping them informed at all times.  This is a prime example of team management, improved communication between all employees is essential.
  2. Train Status Information (TSI), such as estimated arrivals and departure information, easily communicated to all VIA staff and passengers.  Improved innovative communication technologies such as TSI keep all parties informed.  How easy would that be, to let your ride and/or family know you are running late?  This is essential to employees who travel a lot and have little time to waste, if you have a meeting afterwards you must be able to communicate your time of arrival and/or departure with the other parties involved.
  3. Improved communication between on-board VIA staff and other VIA departments.  It is imperative to stay connected and informed.
  4. Automation of the OTS library including safety standards and manuals.  Businesses are required to provide the resources you need to complete your job to the best of your ability, this must be communicated to employees.  What is the use of having a manual and having no idea where it is?
  5. The potential for future communication enhancements (such as real time trip updates) to on-board passengers through innovative social media platforms.  Deciding the channel in which is most effective is just as important as the message itself.  Are you not annoyed by telemarketers calling your household?  I know I am, if VIA Rail chooses the wrong communication channel such as sending an automated call to your telephone; and not communicating over the web or via twitter or Facebook their message would not be effectively communicated.
Guffey, M.E., Rhodes, K., Rogin, P. (2008). Business communication: Process and product (6th Canadian ed.)
Scarborough, ON: Nelson

VIA Rail Canada. (2012, Jan). On train and station automation. Retrieved from

VIA Rail Canada (2012, Jan 5). Transforming VIA: OTS [Video file]. Retrieved from

Friday, 6 July 2012

ICC: Institute for Canadian Citizenship

Are you proud to be Canadian?  I certainly am...Endless opportunities, the world in our hands.  Are you a new citizen to Canada?  If so this blog post is for you...Many of us are Canadian citizens and many of us are new to Canada; just look around you.  In today's market there are people from all walks of life, culture and race.  This is what makes Canada a great place to live, multiculturalism, the people.  Businesses need to make informed choices to eliminate communication barriers and embrace the diverse market.

All of VIA Rail's communication tools (ie. webpage, customer service hot-line) are available in English and French; the official languages of Canada.  In conjunction with ICC the "institute for Canadian Citizenship" VIA Rail embraces the diverse market; providing new citizens an opportunity to explore and experience the Canadian culture, history and natural beauty.  ICC "is a national, non-profit organization that engages Canadian's in citizenship through innovation programs, campaigns and partnerships designed to ensure new citizens are welcomed and included as equals, to create meaningful connections amongst all Canadian citizens, to foster a culture of active, engaged citizens and to celebrate what it means to be Canadian".

New citizens to Canada can now apply for a "Cultural Access Pass"; VIA Rail offers a discounted trip @ 50 % off at any time, for any booking, for any class, for the pass holder and up to 4 children under 18 years of age.   This will allow new citizens an opportunity to understand the dimensions of our culture.  New beginnings are exciting but, they can also be the scariest.  Being a low context culture the Canadian culture values independence and freedom.  VIA Rail is offering an opportunity to be free and explore, to any destination of choice.

Guffey. M.E., Rhodes, K., Rogin, P. (2008) Business communication: Process and product (6th Canadian ed.) Scarborough, ON: Nelson

VIA Rail Canada. (2012, July). All aboard! VIA Rail Canada and the institute for Canadian citizenship collaborate to help Canada's newest citizens explore our country. Retrieved from